Check the seminars and thematic webinars on commonlands, gender, natural resources managemente and governance
Who we are
Know the partners from Spain, Norway, Bulgary, Italy, Portugal, France and Greece
Updated information about the project, events, materials and results


Wonder Commonlands it s an awared Erasmus + project that looks for providing learning and networking opportunities to the partner organisations and to all EU women and young girls living in commonlands for their inclusion in their governance, economy and natural resources management.

 It is developed through three specific objectives:

  1. To promote the social inclusion of women and young girls (as a key community vulnerable groups in rural areas) and their participation in the community life and decision-making of the commonlands
      1. Facilitate access to information, training and mutual support for people traditionally excluded from decision-making spaces, such as young people and women in rural Europe
      2. Generate a mutual learning space where to identify, in a participatory manner and gather the voice of women and young people in rural areas, the needs and tools to guarantee non-discrimination and inclusion in community life


Five events for the exchange of experiences and knowledge on the right to participate, the gender perspective for governance and the use of natural resources in communal areas will take place over the next year


Open registration ‘The right to participate.…

The first webinar of the series of events included in the Wonder…

Public presentation of the Wonder Commonlands…

On November 23th, the public presentation of Wonder Commonlands: Women Organization and…

First meeting of the Wondercommonlands project…

Next November 22nd and 23rd, in the framework of the Wonder Commonlands…