Open registration ‘The right to participate. From community to legal tools in commons governance’.
The first webinar of the series of events included in the Wonder Commonlands project, coordinated by the Fundación Entretantos, will take place on 19, 20 and 26 February from 14.00 to 17.00 hours. The aim of the webinar is to bring together knowledge and experiences on the governance of commons from the perspective of women.
The webinar will focus on the one hand on the dynamics of participation in the traditional commons of the different countries participating in the consortium (Norway, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, France and Greece) and how this affects women, and on the other hand on the different regulatory frameworks that structure decision-making in them.
The programme includes spaces for debate, joint reflection and the elaboration of proposals both for the lines of research and for the elaboration of recommendations that can improve the governance of these resources and territories, strengthening them in the face of current and potential threats.
We will have experiences of defence of the commons by women from Spain and Italy, the organisation for decision-making and development of projects in Galicia and Norway leaded by women, the knowledge of researchers and scholars of the current state of the commons in France but also of the past and the history of the Galician commons.
The programme is primarily in English, with automatic translation into Spanish, French, Portuguese, Greek, Norwegian, Norwegian, Italian and Portuguese.
Registration is required (before February 17th) to attend the webinar.
For more info, check the activities section!